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Praise: Another form of Prayer

“… Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.” (Revelation‬ ‭19:5‬)‬‬

Praising God is another form of prayer. Please refer to my previous blog, for more.

To Praise God is to appreciate Him for who He is, for all that He has already done, for that which He’s presently doing, as well as all that He will do! You show your admiration and gratitude expressly and by your actions. The actions will involve the ways you praise Him (see below) which may or may not include rendering an offering (blog for another day).

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Alleluia is said to be the highest praise. In the Bible, Alleluia is only found specifically in the Book of Revelation written by John whom Jesus loved. (Rev 19)

We note in the Book of Revelation that the twenty-four elders, and the beast, bow down after the people shouted this highest praise word. The angels also. The bowing down is paying homage to Him who sits on the Throne. This is the impression of heaven when we praise here on earth!

When Do You Praise

It is much easier for anyone to praise God when everything is going beautifully well – we turn on the faucet and there’s water, click the switches and there’s light, open the refrigerator and it contains food and other essentials, car is running, one is hale and hearty, abundant bank account, everyone loving you, spouse and children also doing great, and life is going as planned. None needs to force a praise out of your belly. This type of praise automatically comes out of your mouth. You daily wake up whistling your favorite hymns with unrehearsed joy. Life is good!

However, what do you do when life happens with the contrarians of the above instances storming your life. It is at this time (or season) of your life that praising God is much more difficult. One finds one’s tongues and mouth tight and unwilling to open to say anything; let alone pray or praise. But, my friend, this is the best time to demonstrate your love to Father God as it becomes a sacrifice offering onto Him. It is a sacrifice because you don’t feel like doing it, but you chose to.

Though He slay me (Job 13:15a), or the fig tree does not blossom (Habakkuk 3:17a), yet will I trust Him.

I believe that this is one of the highest demonstratiion of faith to Father God that you love and trust Him despite your negative circumstance(s).

We should not only pray and praise when things are okay. If this is the only time we smile, laugh, are joyful, pray, or praise, we are like children tossed to and fro and who still rely on milk for food; we are not yet mature in faith.

How would you feel if your children only loved you when you buy them presents and other times, they could care less how you’re doing or, if adult children, don’t check on you until they need something from you? Not nice, right? So, it is with out Father in Heaven.

Praising God is your action that lets Him know that you’re trusting Him for a specific outcome despite life going sideways.

Another time to praise is, when you’ve prayed fervently for something, both in your local and heavenly languages and you’ve taken corresponding action, but the answer seems delayed, rather than continuing praying, turn your prayer to praise for a sudden and speedy answer.

Why Praise

  • Praising often provokes God to move on our behalf.
  • Praising can also be used as a weapon. It confuses the enemy.
  • God inhabits the praise of His people (Psalm 148:14ab). His presence will be felt around you and/or the place of praise.

Ways to Praise God

There are multiple ways to praise God and I do not suppose any form is greater than the other. The following are biblical examples:

“Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.” (Psalms‬ ‭33:2, 150:3‬).

“Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.” (Psalms‬ ‭150:4‬)

“I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth; yea, I will praise him among the multitude.” (Psalms‬ ‭109:30‬)

“I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.” (Psalms‬ ‭26:7, 69:30‬)

Final thoughts

Praising God regularly should take preeminence over praising God only when we need “things” from Him.

6 responses to “Praise: Another form of Prayer”

  1. ThinkTalk Avatar

    Thanks 😍

  2. asthaisha Avatar

    True 🌼 nice post 🧡

  3. Dr Namrata, Ph.D. Avatar

    Thank you so kich for your encouragement.

  4. ThinkTalk Avatar

    I checked out your blog as well. Nice blog – liked your 10 points.

  5. Dr Namrata, Ph.D. Avatar

    True…we should pray Him even in difficult times. I have written an article on what happens when we praise someone. Pls check it.

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