
Let's Reason Together


Don’t condemn yourself, neither let any condemn you

Everyone makes mistakes, right? At one point in our lives, each one of us will do or say something regrettable and wish that we could retract or delete or just wished that it was a bad dream? There’s none that hasn’t made a mistake at least once in their lifetime, right? If you haven’t, raise your hand, and I can guarantee you that before the day is over, you would have made your first! I said all that to say that mistakes happen to the best and worst of us all.

But, why condemn one another? Worse; why condemn yourself? Condemning oneself and being condemned by another is an unnecessary weight much worse than the bad committed.

Lord Jesus gave us an example when a woman who was caught in adultery was brought to him. The people wanted Jesus’s permission to stone her to death according to the law. Lord Jesus bent down and wrote in the sand; “he (or she) who has no sin, cast the first stone.” His message was addressed to no-one in particular, yet to everyone, but when the people read it, each one started walking away and left the woman. Jesus then turned to the woman “where are your accusers; hath no-one condemn you; woman, neither do I condemn you. go your way and sin no more.” Read about it in the Holy Bible, the Book of John 8:3-11.

Doing or saying regrettable things only confirms our humanity. Yet His grace is available to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9b). But shall we because of grace continue to sin? God forbid (Romans 6:15).

Don’t we love it when someone understands us, or stands with us, makes us feel better when others condemn us, desert us, or make us feel more rotten than we were before we came to them?

There is enough of condemnation and judging already in the world and we each need to do our part to stop and/or reverse the bad and evil to good. It takes too much energy to be and do bad with the resultant effects of headaches, insecurities, fears, and heartaches that goes with it. I’ve seen people destroy one another for no cause, except merely to feel better or superior than the other! Why? Beats me. Do they not know nor can’t they see that the sky is vast enough for the birds to fly without bumping into each other? I learned a long time ago that destroying another with your words or action is like shooting yourself in the foot and wishing it’s the other’s foot instead. Not that I ever did the bad – God forbid. Eventually people will see/know you for who you are and avoid you like a plague. I’m talking to slanderers, backbiters, liars, deceivers, adulterers, manipulators, and the likes. At that time, you’ll need someone (which you never were) on your side. Ponder on that for a moment. How does that make you feel? I hope that it stirs something in you to cry out for a change.

There is always room for change even to the best of us. Change is available for each one of us. But we have to acknowledge our errors and be willing to want to change, else it will be futile.

The Bible abound with imperfect people who still did mighty deeds for the Kingdom of God. If God could use them still, who are we to cancel anyone out? Um, cancel culture?! I’m not saying that we should not speak up against an evil deed or utterance, but once the person acknowledges and apologizes, we should be willing to let it go.

To err is human but to forgive is divine.

Alexander Pope

What to do if we’re condemned by someone or others?

  1. Let the person(s) know that you’re sorry and apologize yet again
  2. Pray for the person(s) for God to heal their heart(s). Often times the condemnation might not have anything to do with you, the error, or deed done, but with the person looking for someone to justify their own heart issues
  3. Do your best not to repeat the bad deed
  4. After you’ve done all that you know to do, stand therefore (Ephesians 6:13c-14a). Leave God to handle it. It might not happen right away, but trust Him to eventually right the wrong.

Let’s not condemn one another but love in words and deeds edifying one another to the glory of God our Father.


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