
Let's Reason Together


Don’t Make These Morning Mistakes

Your morning routine can set the tone for the rest of your day. So don’t do these things when you get up!
— Read on

It’s Sharing Thursday; day that I love to share others blogs and articles that I find helpful, interesting, innovative, or just plain informative.

I’m sharing #WebMD. I have followed the site and have found numerous helpful tips from it. Here’s one such on habits that we need to break. The tips are simple and commonsensical but alas I find myself in couple or so of the habits.

I have some morning habits that I have grown accustomed to. Like you, I acknowledge that the bad habits are harder to break. But try, we must to break them if they’re doing us more harm than good. So, I’m still working on my bad habits and hope you are, too.

Happy reading.

15 responses to “Don’t Make These Morning Mistakes”

  1. ThinkTalk Avatar


  2. Cindy Georgakas Avatar

    We need refs and clean up teams always G.F.
    He’s gone radio silen so i think we’re in the clear 🤣🤣🤣

  3. ThinkTalk Avatar

    Be ready for his return match. I’m chicken compared to you too when it comes to banter. I’ll be on the sidelines reffing the clean banter. 😆

  4. Cindy Georgakas Avatar

    🤣🤣🤣🤟🤟hmmmmmm ya sure…
    We gotta tease him when we can💖

  5. ThinkTalk Avatar

    🤣😂🤣😂 Gottfried won’t do that to you – he might put others there instead.

  6. Cindy Georgakas Avatar

    awwww thanks Sep!!!! Aren’t you the sweetest!!! 💖❤️🌷
    lol… Gotfried probs put me there 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    You’re a doll❣️

  7. ThinkTalk Avatar

    Just found this, too. Need to warn Spam to direct your mails properly because you’re Special! And I’ll sure let our friend PhiloSage Gottfried know that. Better yet, why don’t you tell him. 😃

  8. Cindy Georgakas Avatar

    You’re welcome!!! ❣️Make sure you tell that Gottfried you’re better friends with me 🤣🤣🤣
    Always good to get a rise out of him

  9. ThinkTalk Avatar

    👍🏾 you’re better than most., Sean. I still make the first three mistakes – working on them. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. ThinkTalk Avatar

    Thanks Cindy.

  11. ThinkTalk Avatar

    👍🏾 you’re better than most., Sean. I still make the first three mistakes – working on them. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. Cindy Georgakas Avatar

    Great share!

  13. seankfletcher Avatar

    I can’t argue with any of the 16 points raised. I follow most of them, or have done naturally for as long as I can remember. There ones I don’t I need to revisit and do something about it, soonish 😊

  14. ThinkTalk Avatar

    I’m so glad you did, henhouselady. Thank you for stopping by, reading, and liking. Share if you please, too.

  15. henhouselady Avatar

    I found the list of things you should do to start your day very informative. Thank you for sharing.

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