
Let's Reason Together


The Choices We Make

Credits: UnSplash / Joshua Coleman

Choice is both an act and the power of choosing the best of two or several alternatives. Choice is also exercising care in your selection.

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Daily, we make tons of choices. “It’s estimated that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day … And as your level of responsibility increases, so does the multitude of choices you have to make.”

Over the years we acknowledge that while some of those choices were good, some were bad, and some were outright ugly. We are pleased with our good choices, but regret many which, when we are humble enough to stop and retrospectively acknowledge that those choices could have been handled differently. Hindsight is 20/20.

As Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWall’s book titled “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda” we can unblock the past, move forward, and do things differently.

What things have you been repeating over the years and are expecting different results? Make the choice today to do it differently. Else we could be diagnosed as insane! Because “doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results” equates insanity, right? But let’s demonstrate that we are the ones of sound mind.

Our Choices Shape Us

Do not continue ceaselessly to beat yourselves down for making a wrong choice. Like Abraham Lincoln, we just found or learned another way not to do (or say) some things.

All the choices we make daily, whether good, bad, or ugly, are the experiences that shape us without which we would not be who we are today.

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Do not be ensnared by anger and/or a bad temper (Proverbs 22:24-25). We have a choice. Choose peace and silence. If you do not respond to the insults, noone can accuse you of saying something you did not utter.

None can twist an unuttered utterance


Likewise, if you choose to respond using soft words instead of harsh words, you would have defeated the antagonist boiling for a fight or quarrel.

Turning away from a heated argument does not indicate that you are a coward. On the contrary, it is strength under control.

Imitate the pro boxer or wrestler

Do you know that a professional boxer or wrestler is forbidden from hitting anyone outside the (boxing/wrestling) ring? I have had occurrences when I stared at the person who insulted me and simply said, “God bless you.” But, I wasn’t always like this. I matured into it. Not that I was ever a physical person (God forbid that!) but there was a time that I did give the person a peace of my mind; using my words which were often harsh but never my fists. Not any more. To His Glory I have become a new creature. It is an intentional act. I hope that you will also make the intentional act today because you have the power within you to choose right and better. But, I will also be quick to add that not that I have attained perfection, I am still a work-in-progress.

But please do not come looking to tempt me! 😊

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God says “I have set before you life and death … choose life …” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Are you going to choose to be the good samaritan or Judas?

November 3rd, 2020

On November 3rd, 2020, America has a choice to make. All or some of the 50 States of America also have relative decisions to make. We, the people, have elected Presidents in previous years past. We, the people, have a decision to make. We, as people, can sometimes be so forgetful and short-sighted. We neither introspect nor retrospect. We tend to forget the prior four years at the ballot boxes and repeat our mistakes. Let’s not repeat the Saul experiences. My hope is that we will all demonstrate what we’ve learned with past presidents, bills, and propositions, and vote, not merely on party lines, or with our heads, but with out hearts. That we would have done our due diligences not only with listening to the Presidential (or Vice Presidential) debates, but thoroughly reading and analyzing each candidate’s manifesto, including all Bills and Propositions. And knowing deep down in our hearts that we exercised our votes and voted for the best candidate on the ballot.
As a nation, we’ll have to live for the next four years with the choices we make on November 3rd.

Final thoughts

Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7, 2 Corinthians 10:7a)
  • The people chose Saul, but God chose David.
  • When the prophet, Samuel, was sent to Jesse’s house to anoint the next king, Samuel thought it must be Eliab because of his physique. But God said, “… I have refused him.” (1 Samuel 16)
  • The king was looking for men of stature to fight Goliath, when David stepped forward, everyone looked at him as a “small boy” and wondered how he could fight the giant. (1 Samuel 17:19-58). Guess who defeated Goliath?
  • Everyone brought their abundance to cast in the treasury and thought they had given their best, but Jesus chose the widow as the one who gave the most. (Mark 12:41-44)

Choose wisely today, always, and especially on November 3rd.

Above all, “… choose you this day whom ye will serve; … : but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua‬ ‭24:15‬)

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